The Trentham 5km Series is a five race series every second Tuesday from 28 January 2025 to Tuesday 25 March 2025.
The course is the same as the last two years to avoid the carpark and therefore improve safety. It consists of four laps.
There will be a 1.6km larger lap followed by a 900m lap, repeating that pair to complete the 5km. The course is entirely inside of Trentham Memorial Park in Upper Hutt. The surface is concrete footpath and native bush track/gravel. It is very spectator and child friendly.
There are options of 2.5km (1 large and 1 small lap) and 5km (1 large and 1 small lap repeated).
Race results will be published on the home page and results page.
Video of course click here.
Trentham United Harriers & Walkers Clubrooms, in Trentham Memorial Park, Barton Rd entrance, Upper Hutt.
Tuesday 28 January
Tuesday 11 February
Tuesday 25 February
Tuesday 11 March
Tuesday 25 March
$5 per race (cash only at registration).
Series entry discount: $20 for all 5 races.
Bib collection (actually a number on your hand) is from 5:45pm inside the clubrooms. You MUST register online, we are not taking registrations on the day. Online registration is open until midday before each race. Use the series entry link to select the races you would like to attend and then just turn up on the days you wish to participate in and check in/pay your entry to recieve your race number. You can pay upfront for all the races you have registered for at your first race, then there's no need to worry about your $5 note each week!
Series registration: sign up here for all 5 races for 2025 or select which ones you would like to participate in.
If you would like to change the event you entered for (for example, 2.5km Run to 5km Run) then just email by 5pm on the Monday afternoon prior to the race.
6:15pm mass start for all participants (i.e. all walkers (2.5km & 5km) and all runners (2.5km & 5km)).
Grade | Name | Date | Time |
5km Run | T Strawbridge | 28 Feb 2023 | 15:39 |
5km Walk | C McGovern | 28 Feb 2023 | 30:36 |
2.5km Run | C Wos | 13 Feb 2024 | 7:26 |
2.5km Walk | C Meiklejohn | 31 Jan 2023 | 16:53 |
Grade | Name | Date | Time |
5km Run | M Wos | 27 Feb 2024 | 18:38 |
5km Walk | J Wilson | 28 Feb 2023 | 32:02 |
2.5km Run | M Wos | 13 Feb 2024 | 8:56 |
2.5km Walk | J Wilson | 30 Jan 2024 | 19:17 |
We will only cancel the race in cases of extreme weather. If we do cancel a race, notice will be given on our website's home page and our Facebook page. No refunds will be given.
6:15pm mass start for all participants (i.e. all walkers (2.5km & 5km) and all runners (2.5km & 5km)).